We are accepting “ready-to-publish” manuscripts for our Demi-Books collection.
These books are for quick publication and may be 50-60 pages in length.
Ideal books for our Demi-Books collection include:
Introductions to Your Practice
Synopsis on a Workshop or Retreat Series
Often our Demi-Books are “starter books” and while are whole and complete in and of themselves, they will be expanded on by the author in future publications.
Matrika Press is committed to having Your Voice shine through. So while we may make some edits, and sometimes ask questions regarding clarity in some sentences, typically we leave the work as it is.
Essentially, for these Demi-Books, we will proof read, however the bulk of editing needs to be done prior to submission.
Here are some simple guidelines and suggestions for bringing your manuscript as close to “ready-to-publish” as possible.
The value of this publication process is: $3,500
This includes:
Matrika Press will proof read the manuscript for any additional adjustments, and will apply style conventions for consistent compliance with publishing standards.
Matrika Press will acquire an ISBN number and an ISBN bar code for the back of the book, and assist author in pricing decision.
Matrika Press will acquire a Library of Congress (LOC) Control Number for the book and comply with all LOC requirements.
Matrika Press will register the published book in Ingram’s wholesale catalog used by bookstores.
Matrika Press will create files for publication as an e-book and place it in Barnes and Noble’s Nook Store and in Amazon’s Digital store, where it can be purchased/downloaded for use on any e-reader, including Kindle and iPad.
Matrika Press will manage the print process for quality and compliance with best industry practices, provide the author with book purchase discounting available to the company, and assist author with decisions on quantity purchasing.
Author retains all ownership rights to his/her manuscript and to the completed book.
Matrika Press will provide author with a professional press release, and contact local media, as desired. Assist author in planning an initial book launch event, if desired.
Author shall receive Author’s Page on Matrika Press website and 30 copies of their book.
All applicable rights to patents, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets are retained exclusively by the author or those he or she designates. Matrika Press has exclusive rights to publish for a minimum of five years. Matrika Press receives 30% commission on all sales of book.