simple guidelines

1s seed of life3Download publishing agreement:  Sign and email back Agreement with Manuscript to

Place in SUBJECT BAR: “Demi-Book Submission by Your Name”

($3,500 Introductory rate)

1s seed of life3Send the manuscript in a Word Document

Include in your email:

1s seed of life3Professional headshot (JPEG in 300-dpi resolution)

1s seed of life3Small and medium versions of your Bio (30 word count and 150 word count) Be sure your Bio is in “second person” format:

Jane is a spiritual teacher who specializes in …

1s seed of life3Small and medium versions of your Book Description (30 word count and 150 word count)

Tips for bringing your manuscript as close to “ready-to-publish” as possible:

1s seed of life3Periods, commas, question marks, exclamation points all go inside quotations:

Jane said, “Have a nice day.”

1s seed of life3Spellcheck is a wonderful tool.  Yet Spellcheck can often reinterpret your writing.  Be on the lookout for words changing:

our  to  out

their  to  there

hear  to  here

PLEASE have someone professionally edit your manuscript prior to submitting.

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